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  • To the attention of shareholders of JSC "ESKI - JUVA DEHQON BOZORI"!

To the attention of shareholders of JSC "ESKI - JUVA DEHQON BOZORI"!

The Supervisory Board of JSC "ESKI - JUVA DEHQON BOZORI" announces that the next general meeting of shareholders will be held on March 31, 2022 at 12.00. The general meeting will be held in the administrative building of the Company. Address: Shayhantahur district, Bazar square-28 E-mail address: eski-juva-dehqon-bozori@mail.ru.
General meeting agenda:

1. Hearing of the annual report of the executive body and the supervisory board of the company, reports on the measures taken to achieve the development strategy of the company.
2. Consideration of the conclusion of the external audit on the results of financial and economic activities of the Company in 2021.
3. The conclusions of the company's audit committee on matters within its competence, including compliance with the requirements established by the legislation on the management of the company.
4. Approval of the annual report of the Company for 2021.
5. Approval of the profit and loss account of the Company for 2021, distribution of its profits and losses.
6. Approval of the Company's "Business Plan" for 2022, as well as "Income and Expenditure Plan".
7. Extension of the contract with the director of the company.
8. Election of the Supervisory Board of the Company.
9. Election of the Audit Commission of the Company.
10. Review the results of the assessment of the corporate governance system in the company.
11. Approve the Auditor of the Company for the activities of the Company in 2022 and set a limit on the maximum amount of remuneration to be paid to him.
12. Amendments and approval of the organizational structure of the company.
13. Approval of the Charter of the Supervisory Board of the Company in the new edition.
Information on the preparation and holding of the general meeting can be found in the administration of the society from March 28.
Phones for information: 71-244-35-92, 71-244-18-01.
Date of formation of the register of shareholders of the company for notification of the general meeting of shareholders March 3, 2022 Date of formation of the register of shareholders of the company entitled to participate in the general meeting of shareholders March 25, 2022.
The right of shareholders to participate in the general meeting is exercised by the shareholder personally or through his representative. A shareholder's representative must have a notarized power of attorney issued on behalf of an individual, including a power of attorney issued on the basis of a written power of attorney at the general meeting of shareholders, signed by its head and stamped by that legal entity.

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100002, Ташкент, Шайхантохурский р-н, пл. Базарная, 28
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