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JSC «Eski-Juva dehqon bozori» announces a vacancy for the post of Chairman of the Board


Information about the Company:

- Name of company

- Industry

- Services

- Strong sides of enterprise

- Address

- Website


- JSC « «Eski-Juva dehqon bozori»»

- Shopping mall

- Rental property, not for production and the technical purposes

- Sale of agricultural products

- Tashkent, 100002, Shaykhonotokhur district, Bazar square, h - 28


Description of open vacancy:

- Job title

- Objectives

- Functional responsibilities

- Place of work

- The type and term of the contract


- Chairman of the Board

- Implementation the Corporate Governance Innovation

- Management, development, etc.

- A separate large office in the administrative building the company

- By the decision of the Supervisory Board, 12 months


- Age

- Sex

- Education

- Experience

- Professional requirements


- Over 30 years old

- Man

- higher

- not less than 1 years in trading or economics

- Knowledge of the principles of corporate governance in joint stock companies

Deadline Until June 24th 2016
Salary per year in US dollars: 6630 $
Accommodation: - not provided
Available social packages: - Company car and mobile phone
The contact person:

- Gulnora Muzafarova

- Tashkent, 100002, Shaykhonotokhur district, Bazar square, h - 28

- 242-17-12, 242-34-88

- eski-juva-dehqon-bozori@mail.ru



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100002, Тошкент ш., Шайхантохур тумани, Бозор майдони, 28
тел.:  (+99871) 244-18-01
факс: (+99871) 244-35-92
e-mail: eski-juva-dehqon-bozori@mail.ru


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